Sponsor SASI

Sponsor SASI

Sponsorship Options

Homepage takeover - £1000 per week
Apps for sale takeover - £1000 per week
All individual app pages - £1000 per week 
Keyword area and keyword search pages - £500 per week
Daily Digest email - £1000 per week
Friday new apps email - £250 per week
SASI Facebook Group - £1000 per post

The Shopify App Store Index is a community website for app developers to track the position of their app within the Shopify app store. It also monitors all the movements of all apps within each category, as well as the new entries.

SASI also allows users to track an apps position in app store searches for a specific keyword. This enables app developers to spot new opportunities, monitor performance of relevant keywords and keep an eye on the competition. For more information on following keywords, see here.

SASI by Numbers

SASI receives roughly 1,500 visits per month with the majority of the traffic coming from the states. Please get in touch for up-to-date data before booking sponsorship slots. 

SASI Google analytics Traffic

SASI Emails 

SASI also sends a daily email to over 700 app owners on a daily basis. This is our Daily Digest email which informs app developers of their daily ranking position, and any changes in ranking. SASI also sends a weekly email to notify the mailing list of all the new apps that have joined the app store in that week. There's currently over 1200 app developers subscribed to this email - please ask for up to date numbers before booking sponsorship slots. 

To discuss booking a sponsorship slot on SASI, contact sam@unionworks.co.uk